
Tuesday, September 07, 2004

mental health

How do you know if the problems you are having are because you are black or because you are an American? Or is there a difference? Well an upcoming book may explain such questions and many more. The book entitled No Secrets No Lies: How Black Families Can Heal From Sexual Abuse by Robin D. Stone, addresses such issues. In reading the review and excerpts from the book it raised a lot of key points that black people especially black men should analyze. One that particularly stood out with me was the fact that when it comes to serious mental health issues like molestation and family abuse, most health professionals are mostly white. How can black people be treated for the emotional problems if the person treating them has no clue about the day to day issues that are isolated within a singular ethnic group. The notion itself would seem to be a contradiction in terms.

In fully assessing yourself as an African-American, it would be really wise to always consider your sources in picking and choosing the outlets and people that are to assist you in your day to day activities and problems. It would also behoove even the most naive black person to chart and scrutinize which aspect of his/her life is a result of hundreds of years of slavery and which aspects are a result of modern day living. For future reviews of unique and noteworthy literature to read please visit here. Also stay tuned for a future review of the above mentioned book.